Happy Easter

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Happy Easter!

Well...in a few days anyway.  With all this snow and cold temperatures, it's hard to believe that Easter is next weekend.  I am really looking forward to the long weekend.  Two days never seems to be enough time to get everything done.

Because I'm a teacher, I'll be getting the Easter Monday holiday off too :)  I have some fun things planned for the kids on Thursday.  I found a really cute craft at the Dollar Store that includes tiny paper lanterns and little decorations to turn them into chicks and bunnies.  So sweet!  I also spent time today filling plastic eggs with chocolate for our egg hunt in the classroom.  I was so lucky to find different coloured eggs so that each student has their own colour to search for.  Otherwise, I could just imagine one or two students running around and finding all the eggs before the others had even started the hunt!

In celebration of Easter, all Easter items in my shop are on SALE.  Happy Easter!


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